Reason 13.1 Operation Manual
Rack Plugin
Reason+ Rack Extensions
Master Bus Compressor
The Master Bus Compressor is the rack version of the Master Bus Compressor in Reason’s Main Mixer. The rack version is mainly intended for use in the VST3 plugin version of Reason, since it lacks the Main Mixer. However, you can of course use it wherever you like - also in the stand-alone Reason program.
The Master Compressor is perfect for providing the final “fairy dust” to your mix. It can add punch and cohesion, and generally make the mix sound bigger and more powerful. It’s perfect for use on a drum channel or in a mixer bus. The compressor is very straightforward in operation and features make-up gain as well as program-adaptive Release.
The Master Bus Compressor device has identical specifications compared to the Master Section version, with the addition of Input Gain and Dry/Wet Mix controls.
Panel reference
Global controls
Set the mix between dry and processed signal with the Mix knob.
By setting a mix <100% you can use the Master Bus Compressor for parallel processing, i.e. the dry and effect signals are being output together.
Compression controls
Compressors reduce the dynamic range by evening out the difference between loud and quiet signals. This makes signal levels easier to balance, and can add punch and sustain to the sound, as well as “glue” together a final mix.
The parameters are as follows:
Input Gain
Adjust the input gain to the Master Bus Compressor.
Range: +/- 18.00 dB
Set the level at which onset of compression should occur.
The lower the Threshold, the more compression is applied.
Range: -30 dB to 0 dB
Ratio specifies the amount of gain reduction applied to signal levels above the set Threshold. A 2:1 compression ratio effectively means that a signal level 2dB above threshold will have a signal gain of 1dB.
Set the amount of gain reduction applied to the signal above the set Threshold.
Range: 2:1, 4:1 and 10:1
Set the time it should take before the compressor should react to signals above the set Threshold.
Range: 0.1 ms, 0.3 ms, 1 ms, 3 ms, 10 ms and 30 ms.
Set the time it should take before the compressor lets the sound through unaffected - after the signal level drops below the set Threshold.
If set to “Auto”, the Release time will be program adaptive, so the Release time is automatically increased following long peaks and decreased following short peaks.
Range: 0.1 s, 0.3 s, 0.6 s, 1.2 s and “Auto”.
Make Up
Make-Up gain compensates for level reduction caused by compression and helps maintain a steady output level.
Adjust the output gain from the Master Bus Compressor device.
Range: - 5 dB to + 15.00 dB
Compressor Gain Reduction Meter
The meter shows the gain reduction amount in dB applied by the compressor.
External Sidechain
You can use external signals to trigger the Master Bus Compressor. This is done by connecting an external signal to the Sidechain Inputs on the back of the Master Bus Compressor.
The Sidechain inputs.
When a cable is connected to the Sidechain Input(s) the “Connected” LED is lit on the front panel:
Click the Sidechain button to “key” (trigger) Master Bus Compressor from the external signal instead of the channel signal.
For example, you could use a kick drum pattern to trigger the sidechain function, to achieve a rhythmic pumping effect.
Comp Gain Reduction
This CV output sends out the gain reduction as a CV signal (see
“Compressor Gain Reduction Meter”
Sidechain Input Left & Right
Patch an external audio signal to be used as sidechain signal here.
“External Sidechain”
for more information.
Input Left & Right
Patch the audio signals you want to process here.
If your input signal is in mono, connect only to the L (left) input.
Output Left & Right
These are the audio outputs.