Reason 13.1 Operation Manual
The Edit Area shows the contents of a single lane at a time on the Edit Pane - unless you use the Multi Lanes function, described in “Multi Lanes editing”, where you can see the contents of multiple note lanes in a “ghosted” fashion underneath the currently open clip. On instrument tracks, only one note lane can have edit focus at a time.
See “Editing parameter automation clips in the Arrange Area” for information on how to edit parameter automation events in the Arrange Area.
If Snap is on (see “Snap”), the beginning and/or end of the note will be magnetic to the (absolute) Snap value positions.
If several notes are selected, all will be moved. If Snap is on (see “Snap”), the moved events will keep their relative distance to the Snap value positions - or will be moved to new positions on an absolute grid - depending on whether you have selected “Absolute” or “Relative” in the Snap value list.
Since the Extract Notes to Lanes function applies to selected clips and not to selected notes, you have to right click the clip in the Arrange Area. The Note Extract dialog appears:
This is done in the Arrange Area. See “Reversing audio clips” for more details about reversing audio clips.
Here you can edit the parameter’s Static Value (see “Static Value handle”) with the up/down arrow buttons to the left of the open clip. Alternatively, double-click the control and type in a new Static Value in the box.
When moving automation events with the Selection (Arrow) Tool, Snap (see “Snap”) is taken into account if enabled. You can also resize the clip by dragging the clip handles.
Note that if the automation line is curved (see “Creating curves between automation points”), the line will become straight (not curved) to the right of the added point.
It is generally a good idea to activate Snap (see “Snap”) and have the Snap value set to “Bar” when drawing clips.
See “Inspector segment displays” for details on how to edit in the Inspector displays.