Their internal order is not changed. Reason attempts to autoroute the first “input device” and first “output device” to the Combinator Mixer To/From Devices connectors - see “About internal and external audio connections”. Other connections are unchanged.
Please see “Adding devices to a Combi” for details about auto-routing.
The existing connections to the rack will be kept, so there may be external routing connections (see “About External Routing”). If there are, “External Routing” will be shown the Combinator name display (and on the back of the Combinator a LED indicator will be lit).
See “Key Mapping instrument devices” for details.
Double click on a control label, remove the current text and press [Enter]. Alternatively, uncheck “Show Label” in the Configuration panel in the Editor, see “Changing the appearance of the controls”).
You can also control Combi parameters by connecting external CV modulation sources to any of the Source CV inputs on the back of the unfolded Editor panel, see “Wheel CV In and Source CV In”.
On the back of the Editor panel are CV Modulation Inputs for connecting external CV signals to modulate any of the parameters that are accessible in the Target section in the Editor, see “Wheel CV In and Source CV In”.
The Filter Reso parameter edited to have a reversed Range, as indicated by the light gray Range bar.
This means that you can create multi-function controls that operate simultaneously on several parameters. E.g. if you have two Subtractors and a Malström in a Combi you could create a “master” filter cutoff knob, that controls this parameter for all three devices. See “Controlling multiple Target parameters differently from a single Source control” for an example.
In this section you will find standard CV Pitch Bend and Mod Wheel modulation inputs, as well as eight modulation inputs which can be assigned as Sources in the Editor. Here you can connect external CV modulation sources for modulating any of the Target parameters in the Editor (see “Using Modulation Routing”).